Canterbury Move to Centralised Dispatch

Our Canterbury Team have recently moved to a centralised dispatch model to further enhance our service offering to our customers in the Canterbury region.
Allied Concrete continue to drive customer service improvements by undertaking a business improvement project to review our customer service levels in the Canterbury market.
The team analysed various processes with a strong desire to achieve service excellence for our customer base and enhance our customer facing culture.
After careful consideration, the suggested change was to move to a Central Dispatch model with the various dispatch team members being based in the same office, where memebers were previously based at each plant in the region. This model presented considerable gains in efficiency and hence improved customer service which is the ultimate goal.
As with any journey, change presents challenges to overcome, however with the team being involved in the process from the start, initial issues were quickly resolved and the new model gained traction.
The team needed to ensure they had the correct skill's and desire within the team, and ultimately, this involved bringing in some new skills into the business to strengthen the exisiting team.
Allied Concrete wish to thank our customers for their support throughout the transition to the new dispatch model and look forward to offering even better service moving fowards.