Our Community

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Community Involvement

'Doing things for good' in our communities remains a cornerstone in how we do things. Being able to give something back and support organisations that are enriching people's lives make sense.

Allied Concrete support local communities throughout New Zealand from supporting school visits, sports teams and community initiatives to working with Cycling Action Network to improve awareness of cyclists and truck divers to each other while on our roads by supplying trucks and driver trainers to education days.

Bishopdale Village Mall

A group of locals joined forces to form the Bishopdale Beautification Project group.

Lindsay Dell, of the Enliven Bishopdale Group, is one of the members of the BBP, and he hoped the way the community has been involved could be a good model for other groups in the city.

The project is led by the city council, but run by the community, with multiple organisations being involved and local businesses offering resources for the project.

“The Bishopdale Village Green path now provides a colourful link between the mall and library,” Mr Greenwood said.

A path, water fountain and planting on the new village green are complete. The path is orange and yellow – the colours of Bishopdale Village Mall, it curves through the village green and is lined by flowering cherry trees
Mr Greenwood said workers from Allied Concrete played a big role in the path, the two members that poured the concrete, Dave Barker and Mike Smith gave their time freely and spent an extra two hours applying a non-slip coating to the path.

Mike Smith working on the Bishopdale community project 2019

Matangi School Visit

Students from the Rimu Hub class at Matangi School in the Waikato were studying reuse/recycle and sustainability. Allied Concrete was asked to do a presentation about sustainable concrete and recycled/reusable materials at the school.

Peter McDermott (Waikato & Bay of Plenty Plant Engineer) presented to the class on the use of flyash, slag, silica fume, glass, plastic aggregates, recycled paint and recycled/reclaimed water in concrete mixes and showed the kids some samples of materials. During the presentation, Peter dialled into a concrete batch plant online and showed the children a load of concrete being batched in Tauranga on Command Batch.

After the presentation, all children (under supervision of teachers) went outside to the reserve where kids were able to have a look at a concrete truck, which was organised by Neil McLaren (Horotiu Plant manager) with Jimmy Thompson driving.

The kids had an opportunity to sit in the truck and used the remote control to mix the bowl, which they got a surprise when we spun the bowl to discharge coloured plastic balls. The children had lots of fun learning about concrete and the environment, and the school was very appreciative of the support from Allied Concrete.

Share the Road

Share the Road's mission is to enable road users' understanding of each other when sharing the road.

Our Christchurch Drivers recently took part in a practical workshop with presenters from the Share the Road program to educate our team on what it is like on the road for a cyclist and build awareness surrounding safe practice
when passing cyclists in trucks on our roads.

Allied Concrete workers biking